Skriver du en artikkel om ruspolitikk, jobber du med en oppgave, eller skal du delta i en debatt? Eller leter du bare etter litt intelligent lesestoff? Vi har samlet viktige rapporter og ruspolitiske dokumenter på ett sted.
Global Commission on Drug Policy
- Advancing Drug Policy Reform: a new approach to decriminalization (2016)
- Taking Control: Pathways to Drug Policies That Work
- The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS, How the Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels the Global Pandemic
- The Negative Impact of the War on Drugs on Public Health: The Hidden Hepatitis C Epidemic
- The Negative Impact of Drug Control on Public Health: The Global Crisis of Avoidable Pain
- War on Drugs
- Mer fra Global Commission on Drug Policy

UNODC om avkriminalisering
Transform Drug Policy Foundation
- How to Regulate Cannabis (2022, third edition)
- The Misuse of Drugs Act: Counting the costs (2022)
- How to Regulate Cannabis: A Practical Guide (2016, second edition)
- Drug Decriminalisation Policies in Practice: A Global Summary (2015)
- The Alternative World Drug Report, 2nd edition
- After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation (2009)
- Drug policy in Sweden: a repressive approach that increases harm
- Potential fiscal impacts of introducing a regulated cannabis market in the UK
- Mer fra Transform Drug Policy Foundation
Release: Drugs, the Law and Human Rights
- A Quiet Revolution: Drug Decriminalisation Policies in Practice Across the Globe (2016)
- The Numbers in Black And White: Ethnic Disparities In The Policing And Prosecution Of Drug Offences In England And Wales
Transnational Institute
- Cannabis policy reform in Europe
- The Rise and Decline of Cannabis Prohibition
- Mer fra Transnational Institute
Europeisk overvåkingssenter for narkotika og
narkotikaavhengighet (EMCDDA)
- European Drug Report 2021
- European Drug Report 2019
- Cannabis leglislation in Europe: an overview (March 2017)
- European Drug Report 2016
- Models for the legal supply of cannabis, recent developments
- Cannabis production and markets in Europe
- Treatment of cannabis-related disorders in Europe
- Drug offences: sentencing and other outcomes
- New psychoactive substances in Europe. An update from the EU Early Warning System (March 2015)
- Mer fra EMCDDA
FNs kontor for narkotika og kriminalitet (UNODC) og FNs kontrollorgan for gjennomføring av narkotikakonvensjonene (INCB)
- World Drug Report 2021
- World Drug Report 2019
- INCB annual report 2016
- World Drug Report 2016
- Briefing paper: Decriminalisation of Drug Use and Possession for Personal Consumption
- Mer fra UNODC
Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO)
- CANNABIDIOL(CBD) Critical Review Report
- The health and social effects of non medical cannabis use
- WHO: Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations
Human Rights Watch
- License to Kill: Philippine Police Killings in Duterte’s “War on Drugs”
- A Price Too High, US Families Torn Apart by Deportations for Drug Offenses
- Torture in the Name of Treatment, Human Rights Abuses in Vietnam, China, Cambodia and Lao PDR
Open Society Foundations
- The Economics of the Drug War: Unaccounted Costs, Lost Lives, Missed Opportunities
- The Impact of Drug Policies on Children and Young People
- Prevention of Drug Use and Problematic Use
- Drugs and the Death Penalty
- Drug Crop Production, Poverty, and Development
- Human Rights Abuses in the Name of Drug Treatment: Reports from the Field
- At What Cost? HIV and Human Rights Consequences of the Global «War on Drugs»
- Drug Courts: Equivocal Evidence on a Popular Intervention
- The Impact of Drug Policy on Women
- The Impact of Drug Policy on the Environment
- Addicted to Punishment: The Disproportionality of Drug Laws in Latin America
- The War on Drugs: Wasting Billions and Undermining Economies
- A Balancing Act: Policymaking on Illicit Drugs in the Czech Republic
- Innovation Born of Necessity: Pioneering Drug Policy in Catalonia
- Coffee Shops and Compromise: Separated Illicit Drug Markets in the Netherlands
- From the Mountaintops: What the World Can Learn from Drug Policy Change in Switzerland
- Harm Reduction
- Swiss Heroin
- Mer fra Open Society Foundations
- UNAIDS: Do no harm – Health, human rights and people who use drugs
- UNAIDS: A public health and rights approach to drugs
- Sveits og Colombia: UNGASS on the world drug problem: People, publich health and human rights at the centre
- Flere UNGASS-dokumenter finner du hos International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Andre rapporter og politiske dokumenter
- High Compliance: A LEX LATA Legalization for the non Medical Cannabis Industry (2022) FAAT
- Cannabis & Sustainable Development (Knowmad Institute 2019)
- Cannabis and Cannabis Resin, Pre-Review Report for WHO (DrugScience 2016)
- A Framework for the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada (november 2016)
- Government of Canada: Toward the Legalization, Regulation and Restriction of Access to Marijuana (juni 2016)
- The Tide Effect – How the world is changing its mind on cannabis legalisation (VolteFace 2016)
- So Far, So Good: What We Know About Marijuana Legalization in Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C. (Drug Policy Alliance 2016)
- International Centre for Science in Drug Policy: State of the Evidence, Cannabis Use and Regulation
- Count the Costs: The war on drugs is harming, not protecting, children and young people
- LSE Expert Group on the Economics of Drug Policy: Ending the Drug Wars
- LSE Ideas: After the Drug Wars
- The Royal Society for Public Health: Taking a New Line on Drugs
- Cannabis Regulation and the UN Drug Treaties
- The Lancet, Johns Hopkins University: Public health and international drug policy
- UNDP: Perspectives on the development of drug control policy
- Brookings Institute: Improving global drug policy: Comparative perspectives and UNGASS 2016
- Health Poverty Action: Casualties of War, How the War on Drugs is harming the world’s poorest
- CUT: a guide to the adulterants, bulking agents and other contaminants found in illicit drugs
- Harm Reduction International: A Global Review of the Harm Reduction Response to Amphetamines: A 2015 Update
- INPUD Consensus Statement on Drug Use Under Prohibition
- Christian Aid: Drugs and Illicit Practices: Assessing their impact on development and governance
- American Civil Liberties Union: The War on Marijuana in Black and White
- CJCJ: Reforming Marijuana Laws, Which Approach Best Reduces the Harms of Criminalization? A Five-State Analysis
- U.S. Dept. of Transportation: Drug and Alcohol Crash Risk
- CATO Institute: Drug Decriminalization in Portugal, Lessons for Creating Fair and Successful Drug Policies
- Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe Reframing Addictions Project: Cannabis – From Prohibition to Regulation
- A regulated cannabis market for the UK, Independent panel of experts set up by the Liberal Democrats.
Norske rapporter
- Rusbrukere menneskerettigheter ivaretas ikke godt nok (2022), NIM
- Prop 92 L (2020/2021)
- Regjeringens NOU 2019:26 Rusreform – Fra straff til hjelp
- Straffelovkommisjonens forslag om avkriminalisering fra 2002 (s. 26)
- Erfaringer med ungdom på frivillig ruskontrakt
- Narkotikaprogram med domstolskontroll – en oppfølgingsstudie av 115 av de første klientene
- Stoltenbergutvalgets rapport om narkotika
- Regjeringens opptrappingsplan for rusfeltet 2016-2020
- Meld. St. 30 (2011–2012) Se meg! — alkohol – narkotika – doping
- Civita: Narkotikapolitikken: Behov for nye ideer og bedre løsninger
- Skadefølgeprinsippet og norsk narkotikalovgivning
- Den norske cannabisdebatten
- Normalisering, Risiko og Skyld blant Ressurssterke Cannabisbrukere
Lenker til flere ressursser
- CND Blog– IDPC sin liveblogg fra narkotikakommisjonen i Wien
- Harm Reduction International
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